~Brady~&~Chloe~ M@inpage
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Welcome to Java-Scripts.net!

Welcome To My Brady and Chloe(broe)page!

This is where I will make myself a very happy BROE home :) This isn't going to be much to start out with, but if I can get everyone to be patient and participate in this site it will be more up to date and wonderful. Here I plan to update as often as possible with fan-art, slideshows(soon as I figure out how to make them) fan-fics, pictures, a tell me about your obsession page, and anything else I can think of. I will also try to re-cap every BROE episode of Days!
Enjoy your stay, and check back often, because i'll be updating as much as possible! ;o)
A look around my site!
Since freeserves will not let me change the name of the links to different pages at the top i'll just have to tell you where to go! Oh well :)

Custom page=Broe History

Photo page=Screencaps, maybe a few pics!

Photo page2=Fan-art, take a look, or let me see yours! Note: All fan-art with a salem teen/couple/group(whatever) can be displayed. It doesn't have to be BROE, but it wouldn't be too nice to send in Phloe, if you get my drift.... :)

Custom page2= A cartoon doll maker. I've recently become interested in these little cuties, so I thought i'd share them with you(has nothing to do with days). Got the doll maker from Chelsea, hope to make my own some day!
Screen cap from Sixteen going on Seventeen.
This is one of my favorite BROE moments. Their singing was amazing.

Believe it or not I got the fan-fiction site up! Mostly!!! Http://www.angelfire.com/tv2/fanfics1/index.html it isn't finished yet, keep checking back. If you have any problems let me know!........My recap of the latest BROE episodes! BROE IS BACK!!!! :)
Hey everyone,
Haven't updated in awhile, but now that BROE is back, so am I! I didn't get to update yesterday, so i'll tell ya what's going on. Ok Brady is at BB and Chloe comes in. They almost argue, so Brady suggest that they go ice skating. Where as you can see by the picture on the right, they share some wonderful moments, and have lots of fun. They sing Walking In a Winter Wonderland, and just have a wonderful day that left me glowing when the show was off!

Visist the Early Edition for a full next day recap of Days!

A short plan of what's to come in the next few days!
I think that this site needs to be constantly up to speed with everything that happens to BROE, so I'm going to add things each day that Broe are on Days. There will be a page added that will have each recap added from each episode, and there will also be atleast a few screen caps(if I can get them). If there is anything else you think should be added contact me and let me know! I'm always happy to get feedback! Thanks,

Note: If anyone want's to write fan-fiction for this site it can be sent to me via email. When this is done I will set up your own page for YOUR fan-fics. Each author will have their own page for a short time. If you start a fan-fic and you do not send me any new chapters your page will be taken down after 2 weeks. If you send me more than one fan-fic your page will remain up permenately unless something happens beyond my control.

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And better than ever! They were iceskating here. Sharing some wonderful moments!
See next day screen caps for Brady!

I am in no way connected with Ken Corday, Corday productions, Kyle Lowder, or Nadia Bjorlin. I made and update this site for fun, so please do not sue me. I do not claim to own the characters of Brady Black or Chloe Lane. If there is any copyrighted material on this site, and you own it or have a problem with it being here please email me and it will be removed promptly.